Letter from the Director

We hope the new format for our website is inviting and informative. This website reflects evolution of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University in parallel with increasing knowledge of celiac disease.

There is a need for increasing awareness among medical personnel which will increase the rate of diagnosis and bring the United States into line with most other countries in the world where celiac disease is recognized as a common disease with many varied presentations and as a result there is wide access to inexpensive gluten-free products and services that is the mainstay for the therapy of this condition. Increasing research will also facilitate the development of pharmaceutical therapies and a potential cure for this common disorder.

The tremendous support of patients has enabled the Center to continue to pursue our goals. These include excellence in patient care for both complicated and uncomplicated celiac disease; increased educational and awareness amongst medical personnel and the public as well as an expansive array of research programs.

As part of our efforts to continue to advance the forefront of celiac disease, we would appreciate feedback as to the direction of our programs.

Peter H. R. Green, MD
Phyllis & Ivan Seidenberg Professor of Medicine
Columbia University
Director, Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University